General Conference 2024 has concluded, and members of your congregation are eager to understand the outcomes and implications of this pivotal event. This collection of resources is designed to help you share the significant moments and key insights from the past two weeks. We feature uplifting messages of hope and unity from our bishops, summaries of transformative decisions made at our historic gathering, and tools to effectively communicate the core of our mission and ministry. Dive into these resources and join us in exploring how these developments shape the future of our faith community.

GC 2020 talking points
Talk to your congregation about the mission and ministry of The UMC

During the past several weeks, much has been written and said about our United Methodist Church. To help your congregation discern fact from fiction, we've prepared a set of talking points. Equip yourself with this essential information to inspire and affirm your congregation. READ NOW

passing the gavel 2020
Bright Hope for Tomorrow: Bishops' message after General Conference

Watch and share this uplifting message from Bishop Tracy Smith Malone, the new president of the United Methodist Council of Bishops, and Bishop Thomas J. Bickerton, the immediate past president, as they share their vision for the future of our Church. WATCH NOW

Legislative Recap
Discover Key Outcomes of the Historic 2024 General Conference

The postponed 2020 General Conference of The United Methodist Church, held from April 23-May 3, 2024, marked a significant moment in our history. To fully understand the impact and details of these decisions, download our concise guide covering all the legislative outcomes. DOWNLOAD

Behind the scenes of daily wrap up
Video overview: Experience General Conference and share it with others

While many recognize General Conference primarily as a legislative body, it encompasses so much more. This brief video captures the rich tapestry of our General Conference. From pivotal legislation to vibrant celebrations and worship services, gain a comprehensive view of the events that shape our worldwide gathering. WATCH & SHARE NOW


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